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Carrots may fight cancer and is good for the heart

Geek Talk

Daucus carota

But We Talk

White carrot, Karot, Carrot

Did You Know?

One of the more popular vegetables today, carrots have become well-liked for their sweet taste and health benefits. While most people only know the typical orange-colored carrots, carrots actually do come in red, purple, white and yellow colors as well.

The taproot, which is the commonly eaten part of the vegetable grows underground and is a thin tapered cylindrical shape that can grow up to 10 inches tall.

Carrots can be eaten in a variety of ways such as raw, boiled, fried and steamed and are commonly seen in many vegetable dishes to add taste.

Kitchen Pharmacy

  • Carrots are long believed to be very beneficial to overall eyesight. In addition, they are believed to help fight cancer by destroying pre-cancerous cells in tumors.
  • Carrots have shown added benefits to regulating blood pressure and controlling the heart-rate. Growth and development are even believed to be supplemented by a heavy dosage of carrots.

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